Tag Archives: stereotypes

More questions on being loud (Protest)

Aren’t people in Britain loud when they get together? We all know about how loud people in British pubs are — whether we’ve been to Britain or to a British pub in Spain. Many are also loud when they are on holidays abroad. Locals know a lot about this.

So what’s the problem when local people are loud in bars in Spain? Perhaps it’s rare (not very frequent), because locals are mostly not having drinks with friends, but working, in places where tourism is the source of income. Could it be because they laugh more or louder?

Why do business people exert such tolerance when foreigners are loud and feel free to mimick foreigners’ disgust when locals are loud? The answer is rather sad.

Beyond stereotypes, it seems that groups of friends are loud in many different cultures.

It’s OK one does not like loud people, but it’s not OK to notice other people are loud when you do the same thing.