Tag Archives: politician

Matilde Cantos Fernández

She was a politician and a feminist. She was born in Granada in 1898 and she died in Fuente Vaqueros (Granada) in 1987.

When she was actively involved in Spanish politcs and then she fought against the Franco regime in hiding.

She was a tireless defender of women’s rights and she was a breaker of the tradicional molds.

Matilde belonged to an affluent family of the bourgeoise of Granada but in 1928 she told her father that she wanted to move to Madrid to work and feel useful for herself and for the society.

In Madrid she works as a prision officer and collaborated with Victoria Kent, who was the director.

In 1938 she was the director of prisons and the director of the Istitute of Penal Studies but after the war she had to go into exile in France. She stayed there two years and then she had to go to Mexico.

Matilde managed to write for the press publishing her articles in the magazine “Population” and “Confidences” directed to women so we can consider her a pioneer in the studies of women and gender. 

In fact when she asked for a typewriter to write her articles for the press, people told her that it would be better to ask for a sewing machine.

In 1969 she returned to Granada and she lived there until 1987.



Source: https://www.granadahoy.com/granada/Matilde-Cantos-granadina-rompio-moldes_0_379762241.html